Thursday, June 29, 2006

Thursday 6.29.2006 - Big week

My legs are tired... My training has pretty much gone right back into a building period. My next "A" races are not until October (Xterra natl's and worlds). So this week I started back in the weightroom and will be there a lot. I am really working to increase my leg strength and climbing ability before the big Xterra races. Both races have a ton of climbing on the bike and I need to be able to keep up with top guys so I can still be in the race when it gets to the run.

The only problem with lifting weights with my legs is recovery time and the mental side of dealing with sluggish run/ride workouts. My most intense weeks of lifting won't come until August but still just after one session yesterday my legs feel dead.

I will still be doing a couple races but pretty much training right through them. I am also still trying to decide if I want to do the LA Triathlon. My sister lives right on the course and it's supposed to be an awesome event and the fact that it is 3 weeks out from Xterra Nationals would make it good tune up give me a chance to see right where I am. I need to decide this week because I am sure it will sell out.

Training so far this week:
Mon - 1 mile ocean swim/weights - upperbody/core
tues - 3000+ yards pool/60 min interval run (5x5min hard)
weds - 2.5 hour MTB up to black MTN/weights - lowerbody/core
thurs - 3000+ yards pool/weights - upperbody/75 min easy run

that's it. I have a big weekend of training coming up. should a tough one!


Anonymous said...

It's so hard to balance weight lifting with training. But, if you're like me, you have the HARDEST time building muscle. So I need to do it year-round. But you can't if you're sore from your bike/run/swim workouts, and you don't want to compromise those workouts with weights during race season. At least your next big race isn't until oct.

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a great training weekend.