Thursday, June 05, 2008

Alabama Day 1: Hitting the ground running...

After a morning filled with travel Brian and I arrived in Birmingham just after 3pm local time. Right off the plane we could feel the heat and humidity. Travel was pretty uneventful which is definitely a good thing.

We immediately grabbed our gear, rental car, and headed for the hotel. The hotel is solid and only a couple of miles from the course. We quickly changed and then headed out to the park for an easy 30 min run on the trails. I always find it beneficial to get out and run or ride as soon as possible after flying and it definitely helped. It was really hot and humid when we started and I felt like crap, but I came around after a mile and started to really enjoy the heat. It was just a quick out and back and then we called it a day.

Brian and I post run. Only 30 minutes of cruising and we were both covered in sweat... gotta love the dirty south!

We headed back to the hotel, quickly cleaned, and then head off to pick another member of our squad, Cody Waite. Then it was time for dinner and we were stoked to find out there was a whole foods near by and I got down! A mega salad and turkey burger was the call.

After dinner we headed back to the hotel, built our bikes, watched the Laker's drop game 1 of the NBA Finals (bullshit!), and then just relaxed.

Today it's off to do some course recon and pick up another member of our squad... Trevor Glavin. Report to follow.


GZ said...

I always wonder if I am sweating that much in Colorado but I just don't know it because it is not as humid. Seriously, it looks like I have gone for a swim when I run in humid environments. There is just a little line of salt on my shorts when I run in Colorado.

beth said...

have a good day with the boys...and hydrate hydrate hydrate-its hot out there...try to set a new hydration PR.

Guernsey Man said...

Gotta love the South. The firt time I went for a long run in So. FL my feet were soaking wet after 20 minutes. I thought I had spilled water on them. Then I realized I had sweat that much. What a sweet trip you are on, enjoy!

Luke said...

the fantastic four is almost assembled!

the west is comin' to bama!! hahaha!

TRI-ROB said...

Awwww HELL JEAH! It's ON bro!
You're lookin race READY in the heat bud!
Hydrate and crush...
Oh... and have fun!


Jim said...

Hot, Humid, and Hazy. Just another beautiful Southern Day. Can you run with a Camel Back ????? Listen to Beth - Hydrate....


Jim said...

Don't know if you're checking your email, but I know you are blogging. Just a note, the Super Regionals are underway for the college world series.


Shan said...

Go take some names out there this weekend!! I'm sure you'll use the heat to your advantage!

Zippy said...

Sounds nasty. You guys have fun.